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About us

The Associazione Amici della Musica was established in 1991 by musicians and music lovers, with the idea of promoting music culture as an asset and a resource for the entire community.

The Association is made up of a Board of Governors, with Stefania Gazzola as President and Gemma Marchegiani as Vice President.

The Association is made up of a Board of Directors, with Stefania Gazzola as President since its formation, and Gemma Marchegiani as Vice President. https://www.perfectcloneshop.com/

Our Association engages in two main activities: firstly the production and organization of festivals, concert seasons and cultural events. It is also often called upon to offer artistic consultancy and press office services.

The second activity, which has more to do with the very nature of being a membership association, is that of promoting a well organized, varied social life for our members, involving cultural trips all over the world, guided tours and promoted events, concerts and operas in the main theatres of Milan, listening guides and family shows. All events are publicized via our quarterly newsletter (www.amicidellamusicamilano.it/Attivita.aspx)

Read more ... In 1997 we developed a project to run the Centro Barrio’s social centre in Milan where it is based, in collaboration with Comunità Nuova and other associations in the city.

In the context of concert organization our Association has been appointed every year since 1994 by Milan City Council Arts and Culture Department to organize Notturni In Villa, a series of concerts and events held in the city during the summer. The venue for these concerts in Summer 2013 was the Sforzesco Castle. Attendance figures and media visibility for each year’s festival have been excellent, and the last few seasons have seen significant, continuous collaboration with several European Cultural Institutes.

For Milan Provincial Council in 2011 and 2012, we organised Mincanto, a training programme for young people in Milan and surrounding areas to discover talented new musicians and encourage them to become professional with the help of sponsors and special tutors.

We also organised numerous events in collaboration with CSC Media, Sesto San Giovanni Cultural Events Cooperative:Serate al Museo and Natale nei Musei (2006-2009), organised in Milanese Museum halls; Canovacci Pero Festival (2006-2009), a series of concert and cinema performances dedicated to integration and multiculturalism in Pero, on the outskirts of Milan; Brianza Open Jazz Festival (2009-2012); Corona dell'Avvento (2000-2001) a series of musical events held over Christmas at the ‘Ottagono’, the iron and glass dome inside the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, in Milan’s city centre.

Over the years there have been many initiatives, some organised directly by us and others best rolex replica funded by Milan City Council, such as: Concerti nei quartieri (2012), symphony concerts held in the courtyards and squares in the Greater Milan area; Musica e Arena: duelli armonici, a series of Sunday morning events held in the Sala Appiani at the Civic Arena, (2008-2012); various editions of the Ambrosiano Carnival and the Feast of the Epiphany at the Centro Barrio’s; Operatic Karaoke hosted by Radio 3’s Enrico Stinchelli, specially for ‘Notte Bianca’, the ‘All Night Shopping’ initiative held in 2005 and 2006; Conoscere Mozart, a theatrical performance on Mozart, and a small opera by Mozart, which toured the provinces in 2006; La Piazza dell'Opera Buffa, a series of 18th Century comic operas to celebrate the reopening of the Scala Opera House in 2004.

We also organise concerts, performances, children’s parties, conferences and listening guides at the Edi Theatre, Centro Barrio’s. In 2010 we ended a twenty year run of Classica e Lirica tra i Navigli, a series of Chamber music, opera and jazz concerts held in Milan’s enchanting canal district, only to continue promoting cultural and educational initiatives with the Barrio's Social Centre, organising classical music concerts and performances for children: TaMTaMusica and Prima della Prima listening guides.
AdM and Centro Barrio's joined forces to organise Progetto Palco (2004-2005) in collaboration with the Piccolo Teatro di Milano aimed at 1300 primary and secondary school children.

The Association offers complete, continuous press office services both for our own and third party events, as we did in 2004 and 2005 for the G.Verdi Academy of Music in Milan.

We also ran the press office for jazz music festivals EtnoJazz&Tastefest and Etno Music Competition.

Furthermore, we looked after the press and communication needs of Bibliotopos, an event organised by Milan City Council Libraries Department that took place in September 2008.

In the last few years we have also looked after Centro Barrio’s press office.
